I am officially addicted
31 December 2009Chanel is a sign of aging?
3 January 2010You heard me rite. I want to be with him at London.
Thats is why I am joing MIFA contest. It’s a competition!
Reasons why the judges Dato’ Bernard Chandran, Syeba Yip (CEO of MIFA) and Maxis should choose me as a winner.
1. Communication technology move fashion forward. I blog about fashion everyday, any time at any place. If that commercial is “makan bola, tidur bola everything bola”, I am makan blog fashion, tidur blog fashion, shopping blog fashion, daydream blog fashion! Thanks to Maxis Broadband! I am also a big FAN!
2. I get a bit famous (I can say whatever I want, this is my blog!)