Bill Keith @ Malaysia STYLO Grand Prix 2010
1 April 2010Bon Zainal and Jasmi Rejab @ Malaysia STYLO Grand Prix
1 April 2010The theme for Malaysia Stylo Grand Prix 2010 Marathon is Recycle. I am quite impressed with some of the designers but some are just ‘recycled’!
Okay… you can kutuk me or say whatever but this is my personal observation!
Good job Alexandra Yeo. Good job. Dramatic creative recycled! Don’t you want to wear it? (walaupun dibuat daripada perabot buluh lama kan!!)
mmmmmm…. Effort my dear designer, effort. This is STYLO. (terdengar cakap belakang – ni macam projek budak sekolah rendah je- bukan I yang cakap tapi I terdengar daripada belakang!)
Jovian Mandagie. He is a celebrity designer and celebrities love him! Don’t you love the fine workmanship?
Ingat tak baju ni? Macam baju Umie Aida kahwin kan… (baju tu kut…)
Avant-garde wedding dress by Melvin Lam
Ashley From Kapas ready to fly!
Carven Ong sexy number! (this remind me of Roberto Cavalli, bukan cakap dia tiru Roberto tapi seakan-akan!)…Congrats to Carven. I love all the baju!!!