Hairkunst and WANPA Fashion Show @ The Curve Fashion Week
9 May 2010Young Designers Arena (YODA) slot for National Youth Day 2010, Putrajaya
10 May 2010Selepas runaway show..memang semua lega. So tetap sempat snap-snap!
CuteCarry with one of the male models and Ikin (jadi assistant I kejap pada hari tu!)
CuteCarry bersama dengan Bambang dan Lutfi from Hairkunst. Bambang put her midas touch to my hair. Thank you! You should go to Hairkunst. memang class… (dekat The Curve!)
Click and click untuk baca lagi.. tolong click ye
The designers form WANPA , Ridzuan and Rosix with Lutfi from Hairkunst.
Sebastian from Berlin, Ridzuan from WANPA and Adnan.
Rashid from WANPA with Radhi OAG yang membuat persembahan pada hari tu!
WANPA with Julia Zieglar. Julia dan nak balik.. dan dia tak tanggal make up!
CuteCarry betul betul dan nak balik.. tetap ada orang snap gambar lagi, apa lagi terus pose!!! I kan ada sindrom sawan kamera, salah besar la kalau kamera ada kan…
Thanks to Rashid Omar from WANPA for some of the photos!