25 September 2020Published by CC Admin on 25 September 2020Categories Training10 Korean skincare steps pun tak jalan kalau….Kulit yang kotor permulaan kepada masalah yang serius. Kita mungkin terlepas pandang perkara remeh yang akan merosakkan kulit kita. Tak hilang-hilang jerawat dan lain-lain masalah kulit […]
14 January 2013Published by CuteCarry on 14 January 2013Categories AdvertorialENTRY:THE DUMMY GUIDE TO HOW TO ELIMINATE YOUR ACNEAcne. If you are a brand freak, probably your mind will play the presentation of Acne jeans but if you are a normal human being, you […]
4 December 2012Published by CuteCarry on 4 December 2012Categories Perfume and CosmeticsAcne: Nurture vs natureBattling with acne is one of the most significant and memorable moment in my life. The roller coaster journey, full of emotions and hope. It may […]