[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIgsqPBvKWg[/youtube] I told, I told ya..I told ya.. she is gonna be big!! I am so hapy and excited for Yuen for winning the MIFA Who’s […]
Young Designers Arena (YODA) at Malaysia International Fashion Week 2010 (MIFW). Khalik Mustafa using lots of blue and white to translate his collections Journey to Our […]
Erra Fazira menjadi muse untuk Hatta Dolmat. Konsep koleksi Hatta Dolmat pada kali ini ialah Princess dan mengambil Lady Diana sebagai inspirasi. Malaysia pun ada Lady […]
Nik Erwan Roseli presenting his ready to wear @ Malaysia International Fashion Week 2010.Colourful,un monochromotic different shades for top and bottom, practical and mix of material. […]
Lady Gaga strikes again, now on the runway of Malaysia International Fashion Week 2010. Zery Zamry with his never minimal, avant garde collections with Lady Gaga […]